Emergency Kit for Your Wedding Day

Although you have to always be optimistic, however, a person can not be sure. Based on Murphy's Law, "all that could worsen will worsen," On the day of the wedding, there are many unexpected surprises that may appear!

How many times have you seen a bride trying to repair her hair due and filed, concerned about one of the buttons of her dress, or collapse because of the of juice spilling on her dress? I bet you all saw these occurrences happen it is always better to take caution instead of remorse and prepare an "emergency kit for the wedding day."an emergency kit could be one of the responsibilities of someone close to you and must include all emergency tools that you may need on your wedding day. All the tools you must be placed in a large bag and this bag should be placed in an accessible place at any time during your wedding day. What the kit should contain "must be in small quantities so that it would fit in the kit and not take because it has to be easily accessible ...

Bandages for wounds.
Mint fresh breath maker.
Transparent Manicures.
Hair spray.
A small mirror.
Body Lotion.
Sanitary napkin.
Eye drops.
Bottled water.
Sewing kit.
electricity static remover.
lint brush.
Stain remover.
Snacks and Goodies.
Adhesive tape on the body.
You can now prepare to face emergency situations that may occur!